Legacy Treatment Services - NJ Mental & Behavioral Health Service

An Affiliate of Woods

From Surviving to Thriving

For more than 150 years Legacy Treatment Services has been providing clinical interventions and changing the behavioral health and social service outcomes for individuals of all ages

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We Can Help You

Our range of programs and services reflects our commitment to our mission and our dedication to excellence. We are experts in responding to the wide variety of needs, diagnosis and behaviors of our consumers. Our clinical staff are trained in evidence-based models that are trauma-informed and support our clients’ successes.


Legacy’s mission of supporting individuals from surviving to thriving is the cornerstone for providing state-of-the-art services and best practices in multiple levels of care. This continuum of care provides continuity and stability in our wide range of expert services. Since we respond to children, youth and adults who have a variety of complex needs, we ensure that our multidisciplinary staff is well-trained and mission-driven. Our programs are individualized, strength-based and trauma-informed. They include:


With locations across New Jersey, Legacy Treatment Services offers a comprehensive continuum that meets adults, children and families at their specific points of need.

News & Events

Legacy Symposium – Save the Date!

- Sep, 04 2024

Join us for our 4th Legacy Symposium!   To register, scan the above QR code or click the link below: Register for the November 8th Symposium  

Supporting Student Success at the HIVE

- Sep, 03 2024

Under Program Supervisor Mike Watson, The HIVE at Pemberton Township High School is a cornerstone of student support, offering emotional support, substance use counseling, academic advisement, and a safe space…

Finding Hope and Healing: Hannah’s Journey with Legacy’s Outpatient Services

- Sep, 03 2024

Hannah has faced more than her share of challenges—grief, bullying, heartbreak, stress, anxiety, and depression. But with the support of Legacy Treatment Services’ outpatient services, she has made incredible progress…